
Equipment for dorm-room cooking is limited to what is allowed by campus housing.  That in turn limits what sort of meals can be prepared.  We hope to expand that by discovering hidden potentials in our little appliances.

1. The humble "Hot Pot" is most likely to be permitted.  It's meant for boiling water and for heating such foods as canned soup.

It isn't much good for the latter, though, because particles of food stick to the plate and are very difficult to remove - which then makes the pot undesirable for heating water.

This pot was bought for less than $10 at Walmart.

To see more photographs of this pot and its uses, go to this set on flickr.   (It will open in a new tab or window; to return to this page, just close it.) The small pictures are thumbnails; click on each one to see it full-size, and to read the comments under it.
Boiled Eggs in a Hot Pot
Hot Pot recipes are on the Recipes page.

2. Folding steamer basket fitting into a Hot Pot.
Steamer in a Hot Pot
Although the steamer was not meant for a Hot Pot, it works very well.  (Make sure the basket you buy will fit into your pot... and that the lid will close.)  The basket sits on little legs, with space under it for a scant two cups of water.  As water boils out during cooking, it is important to keep adding water a little at a time down the spout with lid closed.  1/2 hour of steaming used almost 2 cups of water - less than half a cup remaining.  It was filled with vegetable juices so it was saved and used in a recipe!  Steamer pics on flickr.

3. Pyrex measuring container with red lid.  Comes in 1 quart and in 2 quart sizes; it's good to have both.
Two-quart Pyrex cup with red lid
This useful measuring cup is excellent for cooking in a microwave oven.  It can tolerate the heat of browning flour in oil to make gravy or roux, garlic in butter for garlic bread, and is perfect for steaming or boiling vegetables.  The lid is heat resistant.

Photos of Pyrex container in use on flickr (opens in new tab or window)

4. Assorted Utensils.  Though room storage is tight, there are some things you just can't do without!  Here are a few and of course there are others.
can opener, knife, tongs, large spoon all on a cutting board

5. 700 Watt Microwave Oven

700 Watt Microwave Oven

5a. Microwave Popcorn Popper

Popcorn popper in 700 watt microwave oven
recipe for popcorn

5b. Small Microwave Steamer

Compact steamer in small microwave oven
recipe for peas

5c. Microwave Rice Cooker

Rice Cooker in small microwave oven

6. Sprouting Jar- if refrigeration is an issue, or even if frequent shopping is difficult, a sprouting jar is a great way to get some fresh food into the daily diet!  A handful of bean sprouts is good with soup and with eggs; alfalfa sprouts brighten up a sandwich and can replace lettuce in a fresh salad; and there are other seeds and blends of seeds that are spicy and flavorful.
Mung beans beginning to sprout in a sprouting jar.
